Leading the Net-Zero Economy in the CEE Region: SBTi in Practice

Explore how science-based targets drive meaningful climate action and business growth in Central Eastern Europe

23 January, 10:00 (UTC+1)

Science-based climate targets are transforming the way companies address climate change, setting the stage for real, measurable progress. Join us for an insightful webinar tailored to experts and companies from Central Eastern Europe, where we’ll explore region-specific challenges and opportunities. Hear from Kim Schoppink, Regional Lead for Europe at the Science Based Targets initiative, who specializes in guiding European companies toward climate targets aligned with the 1.5 degrees pathway; Levente Horváth, who led the effort to set up a telecommunications company as the first SBTi company in the region; Márta Záhorski, head of sustainability at Partner in Pet Food (PPF), an SBTi member for three years; and Róbert Szűcs-Winkler, CEO of Denxpert, who will highlight the role of digitalization and the extended legal background, including CSRD and CSDDD.

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What to Expect

This session will introduce the fundamentals of science-based climate targets and their implementation, with a focus on the CEE region. Kim Schoppink, Regional Lead for Europe at the Science Based Targets initiative, will share expert insights into setting ambitious climate targets and her experience working with European companies. Levente Horváth will discuss the journey of setting up a telecommunications company as the first SBTi company in the region, and Márta Záhorski will provide valuable lessons from Partner in Pet Food’s three-year journey as an SBTi member. Finally, Róbert Szűcs-Winkler will explore the role of digitalization in sustainability and explain the extended legal frameworks, including CSRD and CSDDD. The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session to address your specific questions.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for sustainability professionals, business leaders, and decision-makers in Central Eastern Europe who are committed to advancing their climate strategies. Whether you’re considering setting science-based targets or looking to refine your approach, this session offers region-specific insights and practical guidance.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the concept of science-based climate targets and their significance for businesses
  • Learn the steps to set and achieve these targets, with a focus on the CEE region
  • Gain insights from experts on aligning with the 1.5 degrees pathway and tackling region-specific challenges
  • Discover how digitalization supports sustainability and the implications of CSRD and CSDDD
  • Explore real-world success stories from a telecommunications company, Partner in Pet Food, and SBTi
  • Our expert(s)

    Róbert Szücs-Winkler
    CEO, denxpert

    With over 13 years of expertise in sustainability, ESG, and environmental health and safety, Robert is the CEO and founder of Denxpert, a leading provider of EHS&S IT solutions in the CEE region. His mission is to support organizations in managing environmental and social impacts, achieving regulatory compliance and enhancing performance through data-driven insights and best practices.

    At Denxpert, he leads a team of developers and consultants delivering tailored software and services to over 2,000 sites across various industries. His client portfolio includes 6 of Hungary's top 10 companies and multinational corporations spanning more than 30 countries.

    Kim Schoppink
    Regional Lead for Europe of the Science Based Targets initiative

    Kim leads the engagement with European companies and sector initiatives on setting climate targets that are in line with a 1.5 degrees pathway.

    Before joining SBTi this year she worked at the Rainforest Alliance as Global Advocacy Lead supporting companies and governments in their efforts to stimulate implementation of regenerative agriculture. In previous jobs she engaged with policy makers, financial institutions and multinationals to increase their sustainability impact on various issues ranging from toxic chemicals and waste to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    Dr. Levente Horváth
    Sustainability expert, Budapest University of Economics

    He is currently responsible for the sustainable operation of the Budapest University of Economics and Business. Previously, he worked in business and academia, with a focus on developing sustainability and climate change strategies, including as a project manager at telecommunications company, where he was involved in the first project in the region to introduce a company to the science-based targets set by the UN and WWF to work with companies to keep global warming below 1.5°C.

    Márta Zincsenko-Záhorszki
    Head of Sustainability, Partner in Pet Food Ltd. (PPF)

    Marta is a sustainability leader who believes corporations can support humanity to embed sustainability into our core behavior and by partnering with governments, NGOs, corporates within and outside of their own industry they are able to develop disruptive innovations and reach the unavoidable systemic change. She thinks, that business have to be the force of good, because economy can thrive only together with environment and society. Marta is experienced in sustainability strategy development & implementation, target setting, materiality assessment, stakeholder engagement, GHG emission reduction, corporate social responsibility, sustainability report creation and eager to learn, develop and improve to become a more skilled and better version of myself every day than I was on the day before.

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    Leading the Net-Zero Economy in the CEE Region: SBTi in Practice

    Explore how science-based targets drive meaningful climate action and business growth in Central Eastern Europe

    23 January, 10:00 (UTC+1)

    Science-based climate targets are transforming the way companies address climate change, setting the stage for real, measurable progress. Join us for an insightful webinar tailored to experts and companies from Central Eastern Europe, where we’ll explore region-specific challenges and opportunities. Hear from Kim Schoppink, Regional Lead for Europe at the Science Based Targets initiative, who specializes in guiding European companies toward climate targets aligned with the 1.5 degrees pathway; Levente Horváth, who led the effort to set up a telecommunications company as the first SBTi company in the region; Márta Záhorski, head of sustainability at Partner in Pet Food (PPF), an SBTi member for three years; and Róbert Szűcs-Winkler, CEO of Denxpert, who will highlight the role of digitalization and the extended legal background, including CSRD and CSDDD.

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    Miről lesz szó a webináron?

    This session will introduce the fundamentals of science-based climate targets and their implementation, with a focus on the CEE region. Kim Schoppink, Regional Lead for Europe at the Science Based Targets initiative, will share expert insights into setting ambitious climate targets and her experience working with European companies. Levente Horváth will discuss the journey of setting up a telecommunications company as the first SBTi company in the region, and Márta Záhorski will provide valuable lessons from Partner in Pet Food’s three-year journey as an SBTi member. Finally, Róbert Szűcs-Winkler will explore the role of digitalization in sustainability and explain the extended legal frameworks, including CSRD and CSDDD. The webinar will conclude with a live Q&A session to address your specific questions.

    Kinek ajánljuk?

    This webinar is designed for sustainability professionals, business leaders, and decision-makers in Central Eastern Europe who are committed to advancing their climate strategies. Whether you’re considering setting science-based targets or looking to refine your approach, this session offers region-specific insights and practical guidance.

    Milyen tudást szerezhetsz meg?

  • Understand the concept of science-based climate targets and their significance for businesses
  • Learn the steps to set and achieve these targets, with a focus on the CEE region
  • Gain insights from experts on aligning with the 1.5 degrees pathway and tackling region-specific challenges
  • Discover how digitalization supports sustainability and the implications of CSRD and CSDDD
  • Explore real-world success stories from a telecommunications company, Partner in Pet Food, and SBTi
  • Szakértőink

    Róbert Szücs-Winkler
    CEO, denxpert

    Róbert több mint 13 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a fenntarthatóság, az ESG, valamint a környezetvédelem, egészségvédelem és biztonság területén, emellett a Denxpert vezérigazgatója és alapítója, amely a közép- és kelet-európai régió vezető EHS&S IT-megoldások szolgáltatója. Küldetése a szervezetek támogatása a környezeti és társadalmi hatások kezelésében, a jogszabályi megfelelés elérésében és a teljesítmény fokozásában az adatvezérelt meglátások és a legjobb gyakorlatok segítségével. A Denxpertnél egy fejlesztőkből és tanácsadókból álló csapatot vezet, amely különböző iparágak több, mint 2000 telephelye számára nyújt személyre szabott szoftvereket és szolgáltatásokat. Ügyfélportfóliójába tartoznak Magyarország top 10 vállalatának 6 tagja és több, mint 30 országban működő multinacionális vállalatok.

    Kim Schoppink
    Dr. Levente Horváth
    Fenntarthatósági szakértő, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem

    Jelenleg az Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem fenntartható működéséért felel. Korábban üzleti és akadémiai területen dolgozott, kiemelt területei a fenntarthatósági és klímavédelmi stratégiák kidolgozása. Projektmenedzser részt vett egy telekommunikációs cég projektjében, ahol egy vállalatnál a régióban elsőként vezették be azokat a tudomány alapú célkitűzéseket, amelyet az ENSZ és a WWF alkotott, hogy a vállalatokkal közösen a bolygó melegedését 1,5°C alatt tartsák.

    Márta Zincsenko-Záhorszki
    Fenntarthatósági vezető, Partner in Pet Food Ltd. (PPF)

    Marta fenntarthatósági vezető, aki hisz abban, hogy a vállalatok támogathatják az emberiséget abban, hogy a fenntarthatóságot beágyazzák alapvető viselkedésünkbe és a kormányokkal, civil szervezetekkel, vállalatokkal való együttműködéssel saját iparágukon belül és azon kívül képesek elsöprő innovációt hozni és elérni az elkerülhetetlen rendszerszintű változást. Úgy véli, hogy az üzleti életnek a jó erőinek kell lennie, mert a gazdaság csak a környezettel és a társadalommal együtt virágozhat. Márta tapasztalattal rendelkezik a fenntarthatósági stratégia kidolgozásában és végrehajtásában, a célok meghatározásában, a lényegesség értékelésében, az érdekelt felek bevonásában, az üvegházhatású gázok kibocsátásának csökkentésében, a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalásban, a fenntarthatósági jelentés készítésében, és lelkesen tanul és fejlődik, hogy minden nap képzettebb és jobb változata legyen önmagának.

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