The Impact of the Sustainability Omnibus Proposal

How will the Omnibus proposal reshape sustainability reporting?

27 February, 10:00 (UTC+1)

What’s Changing? What You Need to Know
The European Commission’s Sustainability Omnibus proposal introduces critical updates to sustainability reporting under CSRD.  Our moderated discussion with experts will break down its potential impact.

Stay Tuned for More Details soon!

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What to Expect

This moderated discussion will feature industry experts analyzing what these changes mean for companies, reporting professionals, and regulators. Gain insights to stay ahead of evolving CSRD requirements.

  • EFRAG’s role & ongoing ESRS developments – How will the proposal influence standard-setting?
  • Sectoral standards & their future – Will they be streamlined or delayed?
  • Reducing data points? – If EFRAG is tasked with simplification, what approach is being considered?

Who Should Attend?

This session is designed for professionals and organizations navigating the evolving CSRD landscape, including:

  • Sustainability & ESG Managers – Stay ahead of regulatory shifts affecting your reporting strategy.
  • Finance & Compliance Teams – Understand how the Omnibus proposal may impact reporting obligations.
  • CSRD & ESRS Practitioners – Gain insights into potential changes in data points and sector-specific standards.
  • Regulatory & Policy Experts – Explore how EFRAG’s evolving role could reshape sustainability reporting.
  • Consultants & Advisors – Prepare for upcoming changes that may influence your guidance to clients.

Key Takeaways

What the Omnibus Proposal Means for Sustainability Reporting

The Sustainability Omnibus Proposal represents a major shift in how the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other key EU regulations evolve. With its focus on simplifying compliance, the proposal aims to reduce administrative burdens while maintaining sustainability commitments. But does it strike the right balance?

This discussion will help you understand the potential trade-offs of the Omnibus proposal and how to adapt your sustainability strategy accordingly. Join us to stay informed and contribute to the debate.

Our expert(s)

Anna Csonka
Senior Sustainability Reporting Expert

CSRD enthusiast and early adapter. She was responsible to create the yearly sustainability reports at Arla (DK), implementing CSRD guidelines. In her current role, she keeps innovating the evolution of ESG reporting frameworks and standards and is familiar with the latest trends in sustainability.

Róbert Szücs-Winkler
CEO, denxpert

With over 13 years of expertise in sustainability, ESG, and environmental health and safety, Robert is the CEO and founder of Denxpert, a leading provider of EHS&S IT solutions in the CEE region. His mission is to support organizations in managing environmental and social impacts, achieving regulatory compliance and enhancing performance through data-driven insights and best practices.

At Denxpert, he leads a team of developers and consultants delivering tailored software and services to over 2,000 sites across various industries. His client portfolio includes 6 of Hungary's top 10 companies and multinational corporations spanning more than 30 countries.

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The Impact of the Sustainability Omnibus Proposal

How will the Omnibus proposal reshape sustainability reporting?

27 February, 10:00 (UTC+1)

What’s Changing? What You Need to Know
The European Commission’s Sustainability Omnibus proposal introduces critical updates to sustainability reporting under CSRD.  Our moderated discussion with experts will break down its potential impact.

Stay Tuned for More Details soon!

Regisztrálj most!

Miről lesz szó a webináron?

This moderated discussion will feature industry experts analyzing what these changes mean for companies, reporting professionals, and regulators. Gain insights to stay ahead of evolving CSRD requirements.

  • EFRAG’s role & ongoing ESRS developments – How will the proposal influence standard-setting?
  • Sectoral standards & their future – Will they be streamlined or delayed?
  • Reducing data points? – If EFRAG is tasked with simplification, what approach is being considered?

Kinek ajánljuk?

This session is designed for professionals and organizations navigating the evolving CSRD landscape, including:

  • Sustainability & ESG Managers – Stay ahead of regulatory shifts affecting your reporting strategy.
  • Finance & Compliance Teams – Understand how the Omnibus proposal may impact reporting obligations.
  • CSRD & ESRS Practitioners – Gain insights into potential changes in data points and sector-specific standards.
  • Regulatory & Policy Experts – Explore how EFRAG’s evolving role could reshape sustainability reporting.
  • Consultants & Advisors – Prepare for upcoming changes that may influence your guidance to clients.

Milyen tudást szerezhetsz meg?

What the Omnibus Proposal Means for Sustainability Reporting

The Sustainability Omnibus Proposal represents a major shift in how the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and other key EU regulations evolve. With its focus on simplifying compliance, the proposal aims to reduce administrative burdens while maintaining sustainability commitments. But does it strike the right balance?

This discussion will help you understand the potential trade-offs of the Omnibus proposal and how to adapt your sustainability strategy accordingly. Join us to stay informed and contribute to the debate.


Anna Csonka
Senior Fenntarthatósági Jelentéstételi Szakértő

Anna egy CSRD-nerd, aki 5 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a vállalati és ESG-jelentésben, amelyet az Arla Foodsnál, egy globális FMCG vállalatnál szerzett. Az EFRAG-nak visszajelzést adó dán iparági csoport tagjaként a kezdetektől fogva figyelemmel kísérte az ESRS születését. Szakértelméhez tartozik az CSRD-nak megfelelő ESG-jelentések készítése, a kettős lényegességi értékelések elvégzése, valamint a pénzügyi és fenntarthatósági jelentések integrálása. Tapasztalatot szerzett a bizonyossági eljárások területén is. Anna egy vezető ESG-értékelőnél (MSCI) eltöltött időből adódóan egyedi perspektívával rendelkezik, és megérti a befektetői elvárásokat is.

Róbert Szücs-Winkler
CEO, denxpert

Róbert több mint 13 éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik a fenntarthatóság, az ESG, valamint a környezetvédelem, egészségvédelem és biztonság területén, emellett a Denxpert vezérigazgatója és alapítója, amely a közép- és kelet-európai régió vezető EHS&S IT-megoldások szolgáltatója. Küldetése a szervezetek támogatása a környezeti és társadalmi hatások kezelésében, a jogszabályi megfelelés elérésében és a teljesítmény fokozásában az adatvezérelt meglátások és a legjobb gyakorlatok segítségével. A Denxpertnél egy fejlesztőkből és tanácsadókból álló csapatot vezet, amely különböző iparágak több, mint 2000 telephelye számára nyújt személyre szabott szoftvereket és szolgáltatásokat. Ügyfélportfóliójába tartoznak Magyarország top 10 vállalatának 6 tagja és több, mint 30 országban működő multinacionális vállalatok.

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